FC Barcelona, UNICEF select Ghana for sports, education projects

Spanish football club FC Barcelona and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) have strengthened their partnership help children in four countries including Ghana, Brazil, China, and South Africa.

In a statement, UNICEF announced May 10, 2012 that these countries will be benefiting from the renewed partnership through sports and education programmes

FC Barcelona will contribute a total of €1.5 million per year to support UNICEF’s work with the aim to reach millions of children in 16,000 schools in the four countries, according to the statement.

“Over 5,000 teachers and coaches are planned to be trained, and sport and sport values will be integrated in school programmes,” UNICEF said.

Schools will also be provided with sports supplies and improved infrastructure for physical education, sport and play programmes, the UN agency added.

“FC Barcelona is highly committed to work with UNICEF to advance the global message of the importance of children’s issues and to promote education and sport,” said Ramon Pont, Vice President of the FC Barcelona Foundation.

Anthony Lake, UNICEF Executive Director was delighted with its partnership with FC Barcelona. “Through this partnership UNICEF and FC Barcelona are committed to provide millions of children the opportunity to receive an education and experience the happiness of sports, and learn positive values through physical education, sport and play,” Lake said.

By Ekow Quandzie

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