Local Government Minister tours new assemblies

Ofosu Ampofo - Local Govt. Minister

Mr Samuel Ofosu Ampofo, Minister of Local Government and Rural Development has announced that all the processes leading to the inauguration of the 46 newly created municipal assemblies scheduled for June has been established.

He said the creation of the assemblies is to bring governance to smaller units to create effective and efficient service, as well as make governance accessible to the people.

Mr Ofosu Ampofo was on a tour with the Greater Accra Regional Minister, Nii Laryea Afotey Agbo, and the Deputy Regional Minister, Nii Djamgba Vanderpuiye, to some newly created municipal assemblies to ascertain their state of preparedness towards its inauguration.

The assemblies visited included Ga Central, La Nkwantanan, and La Dadekotopon municipal Assemblies in Accra.

Mr Ofosu Ampofo urged the assemblies to include the chiefs and opinion leaders in every decision to facilitate development and the building of consensus.

Source: GNA

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