US-based Cargill launches 4-year cocoa training programme for Ghanaian farmers

The cocoa and chocolate business arm of US-based firm, Cargill, in cooperation with the Ghana Cocoa Board – is expanding its Cargill Sustainable Cocoa Programme with the launch of an extensive four year commitment to farmer training in Ghana.

According to Cargill, this programme aims to train 15,000 farmers and support cocoa farming communities over the next four years in the Ashanti and Western regions of Ghana.

“In Farmer Field Schools, farmers will receive extensive training to help them rejuvenate cocoa farms and apply best agricultural practices related to pest control, harvest and post-harvest practices,” said Cargill in a statement February 21, 2012.

Crucially the programme will help strengthen farmer organizations and encourage knowledge sharing amongst cocoa growers, it added.
Cargill says the training which will be in accordance with the UTZ Certified Code of Conduct, will be delivered in partnership with Ghanaian licensed cocoa buying company Akuafo Adamfo and the non-governmental organization Solidaridad West Africa.

While agricultural extension officers from the Ghana Cocoa Board will receive coaching to act as facilitators in order to provide farmers with guidance and best practice examples.

“Over the next four years, these training activities will help Ghanaian cocoa farmers to achieve better results and benefit from achieving UTZ certification,” said Kojo Amoo-Gottfried, Managing Director of Cargill Ghana.

By Ekow Quandzie

1 Comment
  1. BBB says

    Excellent tool and great idea Ghana need more of this kind of training in all areas including tourism, other high mechanized Agriculture, Engineering, Agrobusiness

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