5000 youth to be trained in leather works

Five thousand youths are to be trained in Leather works in the Leather Works Project under the Trades and Vacation Modules of the National Youth Employment Programme (NYEP).

The project which is expected to commence in March 2012, seeks to train and set up youths in the Ashanti, Volta and the Upper East Regions to ensure job creation.

Mr. Henry Kangah, Executive Director of Craft Pro Limited, made this known during the graduation of 1000 beneficiaries in straw basket weaving and the official launch of the Upper East Leather Works Project at Bolgatanga.

He noted that every region had its indigenous trades that could be tapped and improved upon to enrich the Youth in employable skills, and said similar projects would be implemented and vocations of high economic value would as well be exploited to create sustainable jobs in the country.

Mr Kanga said the artifact market was growing locally and internationally, adding that the project would serve as an avenue for the promotion of Africa and Ghana’s cultural heritage.

Mr Abuga Pele, National Coordinator of the NYEP, indicated that government’s actions had resulted in the creation of employment for an estimated two million youths in the last decade.

He said the Leather Work Project would bring on board practical hand-on skills development and business set-ups that have corresponding demands in urban and rural settings.

He noted that the use of local resource persons would as well ensure continuous mentoring and shared production delivery.

In an address to launch the project, Ms Lucy Awuni, Deputy Upper East Regional Minister, stated that in creating jobs for national growth and sustainable development, the Government would build on multi-sectoral strategic frame work for development of the private sector.

This she said would provide the vehicle for delivering the change urgently required in making Ghana’s Private Sector locally and globally competitive.

Source: GNA

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