Ghana Bamboo Bikes Initiative receives German award

Bamboo bike

Ghana Bamboo Bikes Initiative, an environmental NGO, has been adjudged winner of the 2011 Impact Business Award for climate change adaptation activities.

The award instituted by German Federal Ministry for Economic Corporation is reserved for organizations that apply innovative technology to improve the environment.

Ms Bernice Dapaah, Executive Director of the Initiative told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in Kumasi on Friday that the award came with a cash prize of 5,000 Euros.

The NGO would also have the opportunity to share their experience at the 15th International Business Forum to be held in Germany in September this year.

Ms Dapaah said her organization had been helping to build the capacity of the rural population with little or no educational background to manufacture and assemble bicycles using bamboo.

They are also into tree planting and sensitization of the people on issues about climate change.

Ms Dapaah said the Initiative, a project of Bright Generation Community Foundation, would this year roll-out massive tree planting in the Atwima-Nwabiagya District to help sustain the eco-system.

This is a response to climatic change, resulting in floods and other extreme weather conditions.

So far, they had nursed 5,000 seedlings and this would be planted at Achiase-Amoamang.

Ms Dapaah underlined the need for comprehensive approach to climate change and its integration into development planning.

She said climate change is taking a huge toll on development which called for concerted effort to tackle it through activities like tree planting.

Source: GNA

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