Veterans Association of Ghana takes measures to correct pension distortions – Chairman

The Chairman of the National Council of the Veterans Association of Ghana (VAG), Commodore (RTD) Steven Obimpeh, on Monday assured its members of  correcting all distortions and irregular payment of pensions.

He said the Association in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning is working together to streamline the administrative procedures to resolve all the problems associated with the payment of pensions by the end of the year.

Commodore Obimpeh assured the veterans at the 67th Anniversary of the Battle of Myohaung to commemorate the victory of the Royal West African Frontier Forces (RWAFF) during the Second World War at Myohaung Barracks at Apremdo.

According to him, the leadership of VAG had taken steps to audit the lands belonging to the association so that it could enter into partnership with private estate developers to generate additional income to support the association.

The VAG Chairman admonished the men in uniform to save towards their future in order to live comfortable lives after retirement.

Commodore Obimpeh said the Veteran’s bill presented to Parliament would seek to protect the welfare of veterans and their spouses adding that the country would not abandon them after serving the nation.

He charged the Military to continue the bravery and professionalism exhibited by their predecessors and work hard to maintain and improve upon that standard.

Commodore Obimpeh commended the Military for ensuring maximum security at the country’s territory and protection of the Constitution of the Ghana.

The occasion was graced by the heads of the various security agencies in the Region with 125 men parade that exhibited the beautiful colours of the Ghana Armed Forces.

Source: GNA

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