Church building collapses, kills two people at Tema New Town

Two people were killed instantly,  when a church building collapsed on their wooden structure during a downpour in the early hours of Sunday, at  Aberewa-Nnko, a suburb of Tema New Town.

Six others who sustained various degrees of injury, are on admission at the Tema General hospital.

Speaking to newsmen at Tema New Town,  Mr Reuben Ocansey, assembly member for the Homowo Electoral Area, said at about 3.15 am, he was awaken by a loud noise from his  neighbour’s  house.

Mr Ocansey said on reaching there, he saw that a portion of the uncompleted church building belonging to the Gospel Teaching Ministry, had collapsed on that of the deceased, Ebo Kwansah, 52, and a six-year old girl, thus killing them.

The assembly man said some residents and personnel from the Manhean Police Station, managed to rescue the six injured who were trapped in their wooden structures which were also affected by the collapsed church building.

Meanwhile, the bodies of the deceased have been deposited at the Police Hospital Mortuary for autopsy.

Source: GNA

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