Workers in Upper East to lay down tools if gov’t fails to restore fuel subsidy

Workers in the Upper East Region who belong to the Trades Union Congress (TUC) on Wednesday threatened to lay down their tools if government fails to restore the subsidy on fuel.

At a press conference in Bolgatanga the workers resolved that the removal of the fuel subsidy had caused lots of hardship to the Ghanaian worker and the entire population, thereby making life very unbearable.

The resolution which was read by Mr Mathew Abeaba, District Council Labour Secretary, said: “The fuel subsidy should be restored with immediate effect. The refusal of government to restore the subsidy will compel us workers to lay down our tools”.

The workers further stated that the early payment of January salary by the government would not solve their problems but that it would instead worsen their plight.

The resolution also stated that workers in the Region were solidly behind the leadership of TUC and would fully support the Union in whatever action it would take to restore the fuel subsidy.

Mr  Mohammed Salifu Bogobire, General Secretary of  Teachers and Education Workers Union (TEWU)  who is also a member of the National Executive of the TUC, promised to channel the workers’ concerns to the National Executive  for redress.

Also present at the Press conference was Mr Seth S. Q. Ablosa, Head of Industrial Relations of the TUC who stressed that there was no way Government could claim it had no money to subsidize the cost of fuel, saying it was just a matter of priority.

He reiterated that Ghana had found oil and wondered why government should withdraw the subsidy on fuel and cause hardship to Ghanaians.

Source: GNA

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