Northern sector Disabled Games scheduled for Tamale January 26

The 5th Disability Games is scheduled for the Northern Sector at the Tamale Jubilee Park on January 26 with a call on the Regional Co-ordinating Councils, Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies and the public to support the event to make it a success and raise the image of the participants.

The Games, which is under the theme: “Endure to enjoy, London 2012, a must for Disabled Sports”, is being organized by Disability Options, Ghana in conjunction with the National Council on Persons with Disability.

Participants for the Games who are expected from the Northern, Ashanti, Upper East, Upper West and Brong Ahafo Regions are to engage in athletics, Goal Ball, Show-down, tricycle and Javelin among other events.

Madam Anne Doe, Director of Disability Options-Ghana said the Games are meant to draw public attention of the capabilities of the disabled to engage in fruitful activities and when given the chance they can contribute to nation building.

She said the games are also to encourage the disabled to make use of their talents by engaging in sporting activities instead of eking a living on the streets begging or engaging in unproductive activities that are detrimental to their health and well-being.

Madam Doe urged the public to support the disabled in all their activities and lend them a helping hand to live decent lives, adding that “the disabled needs support and encouragement and not to be marginalized or neglected by the society”.

Source: GNA

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