Make prompt payment of workers’ contributions – SSNIT manager tells employers

Mr Emmanuel Nimako, Tema Area Manager of the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT), has reiterated calls on managements of institutions to make prompt payments of their workers’ contribution to the Trust.

Speaking to newsmen in Tema, Mr Nimako cautioned that SSNIT would ensure that employers, who woefully refused to make those payments on behalf of their workers, would be made to face the full rigours of the law.

“The Trust deems it a serious offence for employers to refuse to pay the social security contributions of their workers after deducting the money from their salaries.”

He warned defaulting heads of institutions, who had deliberately failed to appear in court to answer charges preferred against them by SSNIT that the long arm of the law would soon catch up with them.

Mr Nimako said it was in their own interest for persons against whom bench warrants had been issued to answer charges, to appear in court and defend themselves.

Source: GNA

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