Accra Academy wins Greater Accra Constitution Game Competition

Accra Academy Senior High School on Thursday emerged winners of the 10th edition of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) Constitution Game Completion with 190 points while Ngleshie Amanfro SHS placed second with 150 points.

The competition organised by the NCCE with support from the European Union was under the theme: “Enhancing Citizens’ Knowledge of the constitution for peaceful and credible 2012 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections”.

Mrs Joyce B. Afutu, Greater Accra Regional Director of NCCE, said the competition was design to stimulate the imagination of the youth and imbibe in them civic values such as tolerance, civility, hard work, compromise, honesty and constructive debate.

She said the competition since its inception had made progress in developing the minds of the youth in constitutional democracy and the characteristics needed for the democratization of the society.

Mrs Afutu said the competition had also provided a sustainable, healthy rivalry among the competing schools over the years.

She said the essence of democratic culture was derived from citizen’s knowledge, effective participation and contribution of ideas and efforts to the collective good of society.

Mrs Afutu admonished the students to eschew vices that would mar the impending 2012 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections, adding that all those who would attain 18 years must register and vote to express their civic right.

She advised the students not to allow people to incite them to perpetrate violent acts such as defacing of opponent’s posters, double registration and impersonation.

Mrs Charlotte Osei, Chairman of NCCE, said the Civic Education Club was instituted in 1995 with five schools and had now spread throughout the country.

She said the constitution was the fundamental and highest law of the land and the foundation upon which democratic values were built.

Mrs Osei said since the youth held the keys to future, it behooved on them to learn to understand and appreciate the contents of the Constitution.

She said it was the duty of every citizen to guard the Constitution and our democratic values. The Constitution, she noted, stipulated the guidelines in ensuring peaceful governance.

The schools were presented with gifts for participating in the competition.

Other participating schools were the Accra High SHS, Amasaman SHS, Action SHS, Tema SHS, Datus SHS, De Youngsters International SHS, Ada SHS, Presec-Teshie SHS, Golden Sunbeam SHS and Celestial SHS.

Source: GNA

1 Comment
  1. bernard says

    accra aca
    continue your good works

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