Retired nurse murdered

Madam Mary Dzradosi, 80, a retired nurse, was found dead in her house in the vicinity of the Volta Regional Hospital in Ho on Wednesday night.

Mr Samuel Owusu-Berko, Ho Municipal Police Commander, who confirmed the story to the GNA said Madam Dzradosi was found in a supine position in her hall with a deep wound on her forehead with blood oozing from the cut.

The Police Commander Noble Dzradosi, said the deceased’s son accompanied by Francis Norgble at around 2100 hours on Wednesday reported the tragedy to the police.

Mr Owusu-Berko said the body of Madam Dzadisi had been deposited at the morgue at the Regional Hospital and said a man spotted moving in and out of the house twice was being sought by the police.

The Police Commander said a bag containing the deceased’s mobile phone and a pay-tv decoder was reported missing.

Source: GNA

  1. Jane Amefu says

    A life just ended like that. Ghana!!!!! what at all is happening? The police should do well to get the killer and deal with him accordingly. May her soul rest in perfect peace.

  2. johnnie kuzagbe says

    the old lady was just about to celebrated by her family and this man has just ended her life like that oh what a cruel wold please the authourities should not let it die like that for there is a beast on the rampage and someone has to stop him

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