Municipal, District Chief Executives urged to supervise health facilities

The Eastern Regional Director of Health Services of the Ghana Health Service (GHS), Dr Erasmus Agongo, has urged Municipal and District Chief Executives (MDCEs) to supervise health facilities in their respective areas to know the causes of maternal deaths.

That he explained would enable them to find solutions within their means and to help to address the phenomena.

According to Dr Agongo, there were so many issues underlining the cause of maternal health, which include lack of infrastructure, equipment and personnel to provide health services to pregnant women.

At a meeting with MDCEs, district directors of health, chiefs and queens and other stakeholders at the regional advocacy on maternal mortality in Koforidua on Monday, Dr Agongo called for more resources and intervention in the health care delivery, particularly maternal health.

He noted that last year alone, New Juaben Municipality recorded 24 per cent, Suhum 12 per cent, Yilo Krobo 14 per cent, Kwaebibirem 50 per cent, West Akyem 30 per cent; Birim Central and Lower Manya 50 and 30 per cent respectively maternal deaths at their district hospitals.

Dr Agongo indicated that the CHIPS (Community-based Health Planning Services) centers, with maternal health focus, were also having accommodation and electricity supply problems.

Dr Daniel Asare, the Medical Director of the Regional Hospital, said maternal mortality should engage the attention of all so that with a common strategy the prevalence rate would be reduced.

He said apart from the lack of infrastructure and other issues beyond the pregnant women, the need to access healthcare at medical facilities should be paramount.

Dr Asare therefore urged queens and all stakeholders to educate pregnant women to go for ante-natal clinic and skilled delivery at medical facilities.

Source: GNA

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