President Mills advises military officers to treat subordinates with human face

President John Atta Mills on Friday advised officers of the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) to treat their subordinates with a human face.

He said they should ensure personnel who worked under them felt comfortable.

President Mills gave the advice when reviewing a colourful graduation parade of Regular Career Course 51 and Short Service Commission and Special Duties Course 50 at the Ghana Military Academy and Training School (MATS) at Teshie, near Accra.

He commissioned 105 new officers made up of 71 officers into Ghana Army, 22 into Navy and 12 into the Air Force.

President Mills commended the new officers for their hard work during the training and reminded them to keep the integrity and reputation built during the course.

He noted that they had to work extra hard to maintain the virtues of military discipline, since they would be the future leaders of GAF.

President Mills, who is also the Commander-in-Chief of GAF, welcoming the new officers into the real world of military life, urged them to work hard since their attitude would marched them off into fame and glory or oblivion.

He urged them to think about the future, hold high the flag of Ghana, whether on missions or elsewhere during their career, and help enhance the relations between the military and civilians.

Impressed by the performance of the GAF Mass Band, President Mills said one of his proudest moments as Ghana’s President was during the inauguration of Ivorian President Allassane Ouattara.

“Ghana’s military put up a spectacular musical display, which helped to dispel rumours about whatever lingering doubts of Ghana’s participation in bringing about normalcy to our neighbouring country.”

President Mills pointed out that the military would be involved in government’s infrastructure development, and pledged government’s commitment to equip the Navy and Air Force to protect Ghana’s oil territories.

Real Admiral M. M. Tahiru, Commandant of MATS, urged the new officers to remain loyal to the government and people of Ghana when deployed to various places during Election 2012.

He advised them to improve on the knowledge and skills acquired to enhance their personal development in addition to their military career.

Senior Under Officer Kwame Owusu-Gyimah, received the Sword of Honour for the Best All Round Officer Cadet in the Regular Career Course 51.

Source: GNA

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