President Mills urged to settle Ex-President Rawlings

Jerry Rawlings

Members of the Veteran Cadres Movement (VCM), have appealed to President John Evans Atta Mills to settle Ex-President Jerry John Rawlings in his political life and give him full recognition and respect for the contributions he had made towards the making of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), his presidency and national politics as a whole.

The VCM also appealed to President Mills to get Ex-President Rawlings functionally involved in NDC affairs.

These were contained in a communiqué the VCM issued after a conference at Obuasi, which was signed by Nana Addo-Aikins, Convenor of the conference.

The VCM comprises the People’s Independent Movement (PIM), Concerned Citizens Movement (CCM), Egle Party, cadres, political activists and sympathizers of June Four and 31 December.

The VCM urged President Mills to give the Ex-President a listening ear and go further to put his appointees’ attitudes and behaviour towards Mr Rawlings to order by ensuring that they give him recognition and due respect.

“This is based on the fact that it was he the Ex-President who gave out opportunity for them to be where they are presently”.

It expressed dissatisfaction with Ex-President Rawlings’ approach towards finding a way for addressing his concerns and rather demanded that all uncomplimentary remarks made by him against the President and the NDC government together with all the incriminating and underserved allegations and counter-allegations made against each other and their accompanying insults, violence and intimidation be a thing of the past.

The VCM appealed that persons attending the July 08-10 Congress in Sunyani either as participants or sympathizers or observers not to wear “T” shirts with effigies of candidates embossed on them.

“Candidates should also deliver their addresses on issues only and to avoid personal attacks in the delivery of their addresses”.

The VCM urged that strong security presence be put in place and made to contain all acts of intimidation, harassment, violence and confrontation among others.

“That in the interest of peace and unity all cadres attending the Congress with voting rights to cast their votes quietly and together with their colleagues refuse to join trouble makers, refuse to follow any losing party who may decide to break away or form a new party and to refuse to get involved in all acts of violence, intimidation and harassment, before, during or after the congress”

It called on all parties, cadres, factions, individuals, personalities, stake holders and most importantly President Mills and Ex-President Rawlings to make “Revolutionary compromises in order not to cause the collapse of the system we have toiled to build, since the struggle for true freedom must still continue”.

Source: GNA

  1. Bismark says

    This is perfectly in order I strongly support the idea of the VCM. I say congratulations for that move.

  2. ibrahim daud says

    Where was the vcm when all these acrimonies began?The problem is Mills surprises Rawlings and most of us NDC supporters with his sudden U-turn.The creeping plant could not reach the summit of the tree without the tree.There is no machoism in marriage,anyway better late than never.

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