Ghanaian drummer Yacub Addy for world music concert

Ghanaian drum master Yacub Addy

Acclaimed Ghanaian drum master Yacub Addy has been invited by the organizers of the world music concert titled “Zankel World Musics” to be held at the Skidmore College, New York, in the United States.

The event which takes place tonight April 28, 2011, will see Addy, who is also a  lecturer at the music department of the Skidmore College this time around presenting recitals by his students.

Media reports in New York suggest that Addy and his West African drumming students will give a 30-minute recital at the concert.

According to The Saratogian news service, guest Ghanaian dancer Fosino Nelson from Addy’s professional Ghanaian ensemble, Odadaa!, will also be featured in the performance, which includes both original hand drumming pieces by Addy and traditional drumming and dance selections of an Ewe group from Southeastern Ghana.

Addy, a drummer, composer and choreographer, is senior among the renowned Addy family of drummers from Accra, Ghana.

In 2010, Addy was awarded America’s highest honor for traditional and folk artists, a National Heritage Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts, the publication said.

The New York Times has describe Addy’s work as “irresistible, hypnotically charged, earthy and stately treasure.”


By Ekow Quandzie

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