Police mounts search for notorious land guard

The Ghana Police Service is looking for a land guard known simply as Commey alias “Commey Gulf”, who is allegedly terrorising land developers in Bortianor in the Greater Accra Region.

A source at the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ghana Police Headquarters told the Ghana News Agency in Accra at the weekend that the modus operandi of Commey is to scare the land developers with offensive weapons and death threats and take over their lands and sell them to unsuspecting buyers.

The source said he often fire a gun in the air before he and his gang attack the land developers and take over their lands.

He said the conduct of Commey and his group was threatening lives and property hence the need for his immediate arrest.

The source asked anybody who is aware of his where about to report to the nearest police station as well as those who have fallen victim to his nefarious activities.

He assured the public that the identity of informants would be kept confidential.

Source: GNA

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