Young people cautioned against quick-fix marriages

The Reverend James Noble Tulasi, Pastor of Jubilee Christian Centre in Ho, on Sunday urged young people to take their time and go through the rigours of pre-marital counselling before committing themselves to marriage.

He said marriage was good, but ill preparations and the desire of many young people to enter into it quickly to satisfy their sex desires could make such marriages sour and unpalatable eventually.

The Reverend Tulasi made the observation in a sermon to climax Ghana Pentecostal Council’s Bible Week celebration in Ho.

He stated that pre-marital counselling for at least six months based on the word of God was very crucial to every successful marriage, as that could help couples deal with predictable and unpredictable challenges that came with   the marriage contract.

“The practice of many young people entering into marriages after an hour’s conversation in the street is the cause of many broken marriages,” The Rev. Tulasi said.

He, therefore, advised young people especially ladies, against rushing into marriages out of desperation.

Instead, they should be patient and go through proper grooming physically, emotionally and spiritually to be well prepared for the life-long journey in marriage.

Source: GNA

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