Cashew farmers form association

Some cashew and teak tree farmers in the Nkoranza South District have formed an association so they could share ideas to enhance their activities.

A seven-member executive has been selected to see to the management and growth of the association.

They are Mr. Stephen Kwaku Dapaah, chairman, Mr. Kwadwo Adubofour, vice-chairman, Mr. Edward Gyasi, secretary, Miss Beatrice Oforiwaa, treasurer, Mr. Appiah Asiamah, financial secretary, Mr. Stephen Baffoe, organiser and Mr. Isaac Hackim, patron.

Mr. Hackim told the Ghana News Agency at Nkoranza that the association would be able to negotiate for the price of their crops and could seek for farming inputs and technical advice through the Ministry of Food and Agriculture.

He said a cashew processing factory known as BLOSSOM would be established at Techiman by an Indian company.

Mr. Hackim, also Manager of Unity Afforestation Project at Nkoranza, said the company would buy cashew from the farmers at good prices and appealed to cashew and teak farmers in the district to register with the association.

The farmers have appealed to the government to set up a purchasing company for cashew as is done for cocoa so that its farmers would enjoy a stable price for their produce.

Source: GNA

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