Let’s work hard to realise projects – Chinese Ambassador

The Chinese Ambassador to Ghana Mr Gong Jianzhong has stressed the need for Ghanaians and Chinese to work hard to actualize the various projects for which the Presidents of the two countries have signed agreements.

Mr Gong, who was speaking at an annual get-together of the Ghana-China Friendship Association (GHACHIFA) in Accra, said even though President John Evans Attah Mill’s recent visit to China yielded a number of bilateral agreements that would lead to the provision of major infrastructure, the money pledge could not on its own do anything, it would be the people, who would have to work hard to bring them into reality.

“The money promised would be provided but it is the human beings that would have to work to provide those infrastructures,” he stressed.

Mr Gong said the relations between China and Ghana were both government to government and people to people and that China regarded Ghana as a trusted partner and would continue to assist the country, even though China was also a developing country.

Ambassador Kojo Amoo-Gottfried, President of GHACHIFA, in a statement to mark the occasion, recounted the visit Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, First President of Ghana, made to China with an entourage of 80 Ghanaians drawn from all walks of life to China to sign “The Treaty of Friendship” on August 19, 1961 in Beijing.

“It was a historic visit, which has helped the strengthening, enhancement and solidarity of our two friendly countries up to today,” he said, and quoted a line from a Chinese poem; “Friendship defies distance.

Thousand of miles apart, we are still neighbours in each others’ heart,” adding “we should thus enhance our efforts in friendship, solidarity and development”.

Source: GNA

1 Comment
  1. TT says

    Let’s work hard to realise projects – Chinese Ambassador, excellently well said and Ghanaians know that, that is the only way a nation can move forward successfully. That is what Chinese do best Hard work and Ghanaians should practice the same.

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