Music Producers commend Attorney General

Betty Mould-Iddrissu - Attorney-General

Members of the National Society of Ghanaian Music Producers (NASGAMP) have commended the Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Mrs Betty Mould Iddrisu, for the passage of the Legislative Instrument (LI), paving way for the implementation of the Copyright Act, Act 690 of 2005.

This, they said, was a clear demonstration of the Minister’s determination and resolve to bring sanity into the creative arts industry to enable the industry contribute its quota to the socio-economic development of the nation.

In a statement signed by Mr John Mensah Sarpong, National President of NASGAMP and issued in Kumasi on Monday, the Association said the Minister had made good her promise to do everything to get the LI passed to allow for smooth implementation of the provisions in the law.

The passage of the LI had faced several challenges from various interest groups and associations in the creative industry.

This for the past five years rendered the Act ineffective.

Its passage two months ago has brought great relief to industry players who want to see the effective implementation of the law to promote the growth and expansion of the industry.

The statement, however, appealed to the Minister not to relent in her efforts but to continue to lead the crusade against piracy in the industry by supporting stakeholders through capacity building and training activities to deal with problem.

It also called for the Minister’s backing in the ongoing formation of the Collection Management Organization (CMO) to ensure peace and harmony among stakeholders in the music industry.

Source: GNA

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