UK's wonder twins head to secondary school at nine

Two nine year olds known as the Wonder Twins for their record-beating exam results are set to become the youngest pupils admitted to a British secondary school.
Paula and Peter Imafidon, from Waltham Forest, London, amazed parents and teachers when they passed an A-level maths exam at the age of seven.
The twins have been waiting to find out which secondary school they will attend, along with thousands of other youngsters – who are two years older – across the country.
Peter and Paula, who attend a state primary in London, were helped by their three older brothers and sisters, all of whom were also child prodigies.
Their father Chris said he was thrilled by his childen’s achievements at school.
He denied any particular genius in the family, crediting their success to the Excellence in Education programme for inner city children from disadvantaged backgrounds.
“Every child is a genius,” he said. “Once you identify the talent of a child and put them in the environment that will nurture that talent then the sky is the limit.
“Look at Tiger Woods, or the Williams sisters – they were nurtured.
“You can never rule anything out with them, the competition between the two of them makes them excel in anything they do.
“They are forever competing and fighting, even if it’s just for the remote control or the computer.”
Paula hopes to become a maths teacher, while Peter hopes to become Prime Minister one day.
Source: Press Association