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Feature Articles

World Bank Presidency: Hats off to Ngozi

...a golden opportunity for the rest of the world to show Barack Obama the meaning of meritocracy When economists from the World Bank visit poor countries to dispense cash and advice, they routinely tell governments to reject cronyism…

Who will be Africa’s Brazil?

Travel around Africa these days and you'll feel a sense of expectation, a sense that prosperity is just around the corner. High prices for -- and new discoveries of -- oil, gas and minerals are turning much of the continent into one giant…

Krobo beads – attracting tourists to Ghana

Just like diamonds in Western culture, beads are a Krobo girl’s best friend. Throughout her life, custom requires that a Krobo woman’s waist be adorned with the pretty little gems. But more than that, beads from the area have appealed to…

Is mobile technology over-hyped?

At an event at the New America Foundation in DC  and in a recent article in Slate, Sascha Meinrath and Jamie Zimmerman argue that mobile technology in general and mobile money in particular have been overhyped as game-changing tools for the…